Friday, December 13, 2013


My water broke at 3am, luckily we had our appointment with the midwife that day. Sebastian and I stayed calm (and even went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch) prior to our appointment. During our appointment at 1pm, out midwife decided we should stay in the hospital and prepare for the birth. The labor was long, we used our skills from the class (bathtub, walking, dancing, massage and toilet sitting) but the pain was intense. I felt disconnected from the world around me during the contractions. by 1:30am we were exhausted. I was only 5 cm dilated and the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. We all made the decision to go with an epidural and some Pitocin to help me relax and progress the labor. The anesthesiologist came in and said "so you gave up on natural childbirth" with a smirk on his face. It took him 3 pokes before he entered the epidural space.

The epidural allowed us to take a nap and gather out strength. I was given minimal doses of both the epidural and Pitocin. We had once episode of decelerations that improved with re-positioning on my knees ( yes, I was able to move my legs and bear weight on my knees). Things came down and we went back to our nap. After a nap, we decided we were ready to get busy. Sebastian started massaging my legs and feet (stimulating all the labor acupuncture points) and the contractions increased in strength and frequency. My epidural wore off, I left the pain and pressure of his head on my sacrum. I thought to myself "oh no, not again pain!!!" so I wanted another epidural bolus dose but Sebastian and our midwife convinced me that it would be easier to push without it. we started pushing at 8:30am, I felt everything and was able to focus on the pushing. Sebastian got to deliver the baby and place him on my chest. He stayed on my chest for the next 2 hours as we bonded in love.

We had a great experience. The hospital staff was amazing, we never felt rushed or pressured. Everything was on our terms (with great room service). Octavian has been a great baby!

Octavian was born to parents Eunika & Sebastian on 8/18 (due 8/30).
He weighted 6lbs 5oz and was 17 inches long.

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