On August 28th (about 2 1/12 weeks before my due date) my friend was picking me up to go to another friend's baby shower. As I got into her car my water broke. I hadn't had any contractions or any warning that birth was nearing. I was probably a sight to see standing on the side of the road with a giant puddle forming under me... definitely much more fluid than I ever expected or imagined!! I called Michael to come home from work as I went back into the house and remembered to make sure to eat and drink lots of water. Our plan was to stay at home as long as we could before going to the hospital. So from about 3:30pm until 8pm I waited for contractions to really kick in but I wasn't feeling too comfortable and I was starting to get concerned as I wasn't feeling her move as much so we headed to the hospital and checked in at about 8:30pm.
I was only about 4 cm dilated when we got to the hospital. I was not given an IV and only intermittent fetal monitoring per my birth plan. The hospital staff was per supportive of letting us follow our birth plan. I started feeling more pain with contractions and began using techniques learned in class. I used the whirlpool tub, the shower, aromatherapy, yoga ball, counter pressure, swaying, breathing, visualizations and I particularly liked being rubbed on the top of my knee. Turns out throughout my labor I was consistently having clusters of contractions rather than one after another. I labored like this for almost 24 hours and got to about 7 cm dilated.
By this point I was running out of energy. I was unable to keep anything down and beginning to become delirious from the pain of the clusters of contractions. At this point I asked for medications as I was no longer able to maintain calm. It was a difficult situation but I knew I needed a break and to rest for what I thought was coming. I was given Stadol and was able to finally get some rest. After about 6 hours I was checked again and was still ta 7 cm despite being able to rest and relax. It was suggested that we start Pitocin to try to get my contractions to become more regular and hopefully become more productive. After a few hours of Pitocin things still were not progressing and I was only just barely dilated to 8 cm. Zahra was not descending into the birth canal and in fact had not even dropped fully. Thankfully she was doing great on the monitors throughout the entire labor.
By this time I was feeling desperate and had a feeling that things were not going to turn out how we had imagined. The Pitocin was making me feel sick and shake and in the back of my mind a knew a C-section was where we were headed. After about 12 hours I only dilated from 7 to 8 cm and after a few excruciating internal exams I ended up getting an epidural. Michael was feeling like things were getting out of control at this point due to interventions and untimely because we saw this as preparation for a C-section. I feel confident in the fact that I ultimately made all of the decisions regarding interventions and was not pressured by any of the hospital staff. But it was still scary.
Michael and I were in the operating room for about an hour after the epidural. Right before Zahra was delivered I started feeling pain. My epidural did not full take on one side and this was probably the scariest part of the whole experience. I remember I kept saying "I don't think this is right." I started to hyperventilate and panic. I was told they couldn't give me anything until Zahra was delivered so that she would not get the medication in her system. As soon as she came out they help up a mirror and the only thing I said was that she was so small. Michael went with Zahra and brought her in to see me before they went to the nursery for an exam and a bath. The next few hours were a blur. I was given Dilaudid, a medication stronger than morphine, closed up and taken to the recovery room where my mom was waiting for me. After an hour in recovery I was finally able to get into my room and meet Zahra a little better. It took days for me to really wrap my head around out birth experience but I have really come to terms with what happened and am just thankful that we are all healthy and doing well. Michael was amazing in taking care of both of us in those first few weeks while I was recovering.
Zahra Inez was born to parents Michael and Tasha on 8/30 (due date 9/16).
She weighed 6lb 9oz and was 19 inches long.
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