Our birth experience was long but very well. I started having contractions Wednesday morning. I worked all day with Nicks help. I definitely needed him around to help with the kids because I didn't have the patience that I usually had. During the day my contractions were very spaced out. After all the kids were picked up I was exhausted so I went to sleep from 6-11pm. At 11 my contractions started kicking in and I had to concentrate a lot more to get through them. At about 2am my contractions were 4 minutes apart so we decided to head to the hospital. We wanted to labor as long as we could at home but the truth is we were nervous about being 35 minutes away from the hospital so we decided to go.
When we arrived out doula, Ashley, was on her way and Dr. Koch was already there because she had another lady in labor. Ashley was amazing and helped me so much. We did a ton of walking, squatting, went in the shower & tub. When I was moving my contractions were 2 minutes apart but when I rested in the tub, toilet & shower they would be anywhere from 5 to 8 minutes apart. Thursday night at 8pm Dr. Koch was giving us options (breaking my water, Pitosin, Morphine, to sleep, or go home). We weren't ready for any of those things since our due date wasn't until the 14th. I was full effaced, baby was very low but I as only 3 cm. Our doula was very helpful reminding us that we didn't need to do an of those things. The baby was doing just fine and so was I. Nick finally just asked if we could just spend the night and see how we were in the morning. We didn't' want to drive all the way home. That night my contractions were 10 minutes apart. At 6am the nurse said they were discharging us. It was very frustrating to have to leave after all of the hard work we just put in.
We spent most of Friday outside walking around our yard. My contractions were about 6 minutes apart all day and night. Saturday morning we woke up and decided that something needed to be done because I didn't know how long my body would last on lack of sleep. We called Dr. Koch at 7am and met her at the hospital at 7:45. She examined me and I was now 4cm and she believed breaking my water would get things going, so we agreed on it. She broke my water at 8:10 and I hopped into the tub. Contractions were intense and 1-2 minutes apart. it went very quickly, and before long, I had the urge to push. We got out of the tub and into the bed. We tried a bunch of different positions but the one that worked best was sitting up on the bed with legs in the air. With every contraction I pulled myself up with the bar. I pushed for an hour and a half and out came our beautiful baby girl. Pushing was my favorite part because I could finally do something with the pain of the contractions.
Our experience at the Columbia Center was amazing. We want to have all of our babies there with Dr. Koch! Coral's class definitely helped prepare us for birth. We used many techniques during labor that we leaned from the class. We really appreciate all of the knowledge and insight that helped make our birth experience a natural one.
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