Holden was born completely naturally after a very short and peaceful labor. My water broke at 4:30 p.m. on June 3rd. We arrived at the hospital at 9:30 that evening. Our doula helped us settle in and create the relaxing environment we wanted per our birth plan. The lights dimmed, the room silent, there were candles (battery operate, of course) spread around the room. Around 10:30 p.m. I was 4 cm and 85% effaced. I used some relaxation exercises/breathing, told my body that it needed to dilate and deliver this baby and kept repeating positive birth mantras in my mind. About 15 minutes later, I went into transition. Transition lasted about 45 minutes, afterward I was 9.5 cm and 95% effaced.
I pushed for two hours to get him out due to him being stuck sunny side up but it was all worth it! Just as planned the room was dimmed and silent as he was born. Justin announced that we had a boy and spoke Holden's name to him for the first time. Holden was immediately placed on my chest and we both wept tears of joy and told Holden how much we loved him. He was so alert and was able to nurse for 45 minutes! His rooting reflex worked just as we learned in the classes and he was able to crawl around and latch himself without really any assistance. He remained wide-eyed and alert for a few hours, which allowed Justin and I time to bond with him. It was truly the most beautiful experience Justin and I have ever felt.
Amy & Justin, Glendale
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