The idea of an out-of-hospital birth was one that I hadn't considered until I was a few weeks into my pregnancy. I had never considered it because everyone I knew had their babies in the hospital. I had no idea another world even existed. No one every talked to me about different options until a mentor of mine recommended the Well-Rounded Maternity Center. she shared her story with me about her experience giving birth in the hospital vs. the birthing center. I realized then that I had the power to choose my birth experience. I began to read (a lot!) and research midwifery and natural childbirth. The more I learned about out-of-hospital births, the more at ease I felt about my choice.
What I wanted was a peaceful, loving and private experience. The hospital environment simply could not offer any of those to us. My husband was supportive of my vision and after his own research and Q&A he was behind the birth center 100%. Coral was wonderful about answering our questions and addressing our concerns. She even gave us recommendations on midwives. We also attended the birthing classes offered by the center.. We credit our preparedness and wonderful experience to the thoroughness of our midwife, Coral and her classes. By the time our big day come we were confident, excited and ready!
The one word I would use to describe our birthing experience is... perfect. We felt at-home in the warm space set-up for us at the center. As a family and as a team Samuel Roland was brought into this world with no strangers, no bright lights, no loud machinery and most importantly, no invasive procedures. My husband and I worked together in the birthing tub just as we had planned. Because of these elements our son had as gentle a journey as possible. I would, without a doubt, highly recommend the center to any and everyone expecting a new baby. We cannot wait to visit the center again when the time comes for us to expand our family!
Scott, Alexandria and Samuel Mente, Waukesha, WI
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