Hi. I had emailed you a while back about where in Milwaukee to birth. I ended up going with Sinai... and was SO impressed. I was transferred [from midwives] to the high risk doctors because of gestational diabetes and they ended up breaking my water at 40 weeks and 4 days. I labored with no drugs. I had a great nurse who left about an hour and a half into labor. She was replaced by an equally good nurse who stayed with me most of the time, rather than being uninvolved, and in all truth would have made a great doula--a stop above, a hundred steps above the average nurse. She encouraged me to walk around, change positions, save my energy, shake my booty, etc. She assured me that my baby knew what he was doing and that his movements (which were hurting me) were helping to bring him down and that he was working hard to come out. When I was in transition and trying to tell my doula that I wanted a "walking" epidural the nurse sided with my doulas and told me that my labor would be done soon and that getting an epidural would be pointless. She did other great things too but it's a bit hazy.
My experience with the doctors, especially the resident doctors who were the ones mainly involved was also great. They said they had never let the cord stop pulsing before they cut it but that if that was what I wanted they didn't have any objections. The two docs just sat and watched as I was squat pushing and let me, my nurse, doula and hubby alone until the very end when they came to catch the baby. They immediately put baby in my arms and weren't in a big hurry to take him away. They didn't push the issue of shots for baby...they didn't push any issues actually.
I was pretty happy about their excitement for breastfeeding, as well as their view in episiotomies, which was that there better be a darn good reason to do one, if it ain't saving a life what's the point (maybe not every one's view but the two docs I worked with felt that way).
So thank YOU so much for your recommendation. Mary in Milwaukee
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