Kaitlyn was born 5/29/10. Parents: Jodi & Kevin
I had off work on Friday and was just putzing, putting up flags for Memorial Day, buying flowers, pulling weeds. I was feeling pretty energetic. About 3:30, Kevin came home and just then I got a twinge! I didn't really have any Braxton Hicks so I really had no idea what to expect, but these were pretty consistent and getting stronger. We have a whirlpool tub so about an hour later I got in and that really helped with the pain. I finally told Kevin to start timing them, (we found a website called Contraction Master.com that tracks and times them for you, it was really helpful!). By 6pm the contractions were lasting 2 minutes and were 4 minutes apart. We called our midwife who said we should come to the hospital.
We went to St. Joe's in West Bend and just about when we got in the car, they were really quite painful (manageable though). We got there by 7pm and our midwife arrived shortly after. Pretty much all the relaxation techniques and breathing went out the door at this point! I tried the breathing but it didn't really click with me. When I would have a contraction, I kind of did the yoga 'HMMMMMM' sound. For some reason, that was the only way I found I could get though it. I did the whirlpool at the hospital also and that helped a ton! It did slow down the contractions but it gave me a break at least. I walked around a bit and sat on the exercise ball and that seemed to get the contractions going again. I would mostly just lean over the sink though. I probably had my eyes closed 90% of the time. I didn't really know what was going on around me and just needed to focus on getting through the contraction and getting ready for the next one.
A while later, my midwife asked if I was ready to push. Pushing really didn't hurt at all, it was kind of a relief after the contractions! It was exhausting though! About 45 minutes in to it, her head would take two steps forward and one small step back. My midwife asked if I wanted a small cut. I said NO (thanks anyway!). That's all I needed to hear, two pushes later she was out. No ripping or tearing. I could feel with each push my midwife would help stretch me so I think that really helped me not tear.
I had my hospital bag packed with cards, magazines, books, IPod... didn't touch one thing! With packing, less is more! It was touch but ssooooooooo worth it!!!
I love reading these! I want more!! I'm sad to be at the end of the "archives" but thanks Coral for sharing. It takes me back. :)